Saturday, April 26, 2014

Mark Dion

According to Mark Dion, "some artists paint, some sculpt, some take photographs, and I shop, that's what I do." With this skill set, Dion comprises most of his pieces with the objects he buys. 

Dion's works are really about the things that make it up. He feels that the purpose of his art is the same as the purpose of a museum in that you learn about stuff through things. History also plays a part in Dion's pieces. Certain historical events influence what objects he's going to use and how to display those objects. 
Repetition is a major component in Dion's art. In his pieces, he'll group some of the same objects together or an entire piece could be made up of the same object. In essence, all his works are about acquiring objects and finding different ways to arrange and display those objects. Dion's pieces also have a curious, almost alive quality to them. The way he constructs certain rooms makes it appear as if someone is living in them and will be back at any minute. 
Dion does not create art that fits into popular culture. In Dion's own words: "The job of an artist is to go against the grain of dominant culture, to challenge perception and convention." Based off the pieces he has made, I believe Dion has done his job.

"Mark Dion." Art21. PBS, n.d. Web. 9 Apr. 2014.

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