Monday, February 24, 2014

Arturo Herrera

Arturo Herrera has stated, "the longer you work a thing, the more possibilities you have of creating something". Based on the numerous pieces Herrera has made, it's safe to say he has worked quite enough.
The media Herrera mostly employs are paper and paint.
What Herrera likes to explore in his work are the concepts of memories and recollection. He achieves this successfully in pieces where he collages pages from coloring books of cherished childhood movies. When it comes to his collages, it is all about fragmenting and cutting up paper and placing it in a way that give it a different meaning than it once had.
A lot of Herrera's works are composed of collages. He uses not only paper he found but also his own paintings in his pieces. Juxtaposition is also a major part of Herrera's work as he takes certain images and cuts and pastes them in a way that makes them unrecognizable or into something else.
In the end, Herrera's goal is not just to make something that is visually pleasing, but to also make something that could be thought about in a deeper way.
Information provided by:
"Arturo Herrera." Art21. PBS, n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2014.

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