Monday, February 24, 2014

Tim Hawkinson

Tim Hawkinson has an avid fascination for the human body, which shows in a variety of ways in his works.
Hawkinson creates his pieces using electrical hardwire, plastic sheeting, cardboard, and even his own hair and fingernail pairings. A lot of his works also involve complex machinery that are integral to the execution and function of his pieces.
Hawkinson has a deep interest in music. In fact, he once thought he would make instruments for a living. Although he chose to be an artist, his love of music did not fade, often becoming key components to his music playing pieces. Hawkinson's works also explore the concepts of life, death and time.
Hawkinson's works are mostly wondrous machines (sometimes monumental in size) he has built that create a sometimes interactive experience for viewers to enjoy. A common subject matter that is used in his art is himself. He experiments in different ways to represent himself, which turns out not looking like himself at all.
Even though Hawkinson may appear often in his own work, he states that his art is not about who he is but about who we all are. It is about the experiences we have and how that relates to the world around us.
Information provided by:
"Tim Hawkinson." Art21. PBS, n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2014.

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